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Trixies Tricks and Treats 6011438

On sale: $134.36
Retail Price:$167.95
You Save:$33.59(20%)
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Part Number:962
Department 56 Halloween
 Trixies Tricks and Treats
What are you picking when we visit Trixie's this Halloween? 
Perhaps buzzers, stink bombs, maybe shockers?
 Or treats?
 Maybe some candy, candied apples, or popcorn balls? 
This features a brick and tree limb building with a large black and purple witches hat with orange stripes. 
The front door and side door is covered by purple shingles, and each door and shutter is made with light green slats of wood. 

Introduced October 2022
Made by Department 56
Made of ceramic
 Dimensions: 7.95in H x 6.14in W x 5.94in L.

Coordinates With: The Squirting Frog Trick 6011439

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 Maggie's Gift Shop

518-785-2629 or 844-Maggies

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