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Iris Flower Mantra Charm Bangle Shiny Silver

On sale: $47.20
Retail Price:$59.00
You Save:$11.80(20%)
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Part Number:3512

Alex and Ani 

Iris Flower Mantra

 Charm Bangle

 Shiny Silver

Wear this charm bangle as a reminder to appreciate those special friends in your life, and to be the best friend you can be. Features a color-infused iris flower charm that slides to reveal the mantra 'friendship is a precious gift'.

Expandable from 2" to 3.5"

Finishes: Shiny Silver, Shiny Gold


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Maggie's Gift Shop
521 Troy Schenectady Rd
Latham, NY 12110

518-785-2629 or 844-Maggies

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